Sell Your Home Fast

We Buy Houses for Cash in Michigan

(248) 800-CASH

Why Michigan CASH Buyers?

We help people out of bad situations. You have options when it comes to selling your house in today's buyer's market. We help you by selling your home quickly and allowing you to move on with your life.

We represent an active network of experienced active real estate buyers, looking to buy homes that need repairs from sellers looking to sell quickly. We buy houses, rental properties, duplexes, townhouses, multi-tenant buildings, and commercial property.

Whether you are selling an unwanted home, buying a new home, or looking for a rental property, we are here to help! We want to arm you with the knowledge to make the best decisions and save you valuable time and money.

Have Questions? 

A quick phone conversation with us will relieve your stress about your property.

Call us today at (248)800-2274

About Us

At Michigan CASH Buyers, we are a multi-service company who BUYS, REPAIRS, MANAGES, and SELLS HOMES while focusing on providing you with Fast, Friendly, and Flexible service.

Contact Us

Michigan CASH Buyers
Waterford Township MI 48329Mike
(248) 800-2274